Blood Pressure and Natural Immunity

Images of the COVID-19 virus

 Blood Pressure and Natural Immunity

Our bodies depend on the power of blood pressure to deliver oxygen, food and water to every part of the body. The body then uses oxygen, food and water to build strong natural Immunity. Strong, natural immunity is essential for protecting the body against many diseases including the COVID-19 disease.

The Global COVID-19 Pandemic


The whole world is currently grappling with the heath effects of the coronavirus, also known as COVID – 19, pandemic.

At the same time, the global community is scrambling to come up with ideas, means and ways of protecting itself from the covid-19 disease.

One way to prevent and fight this disease is by building and developing our individual natural immune systems by tapping into the power of our Blood Pressure. The power of our blood pressure is required to distribute the three essential  ingredients needed by our bodies to build strong natural immunity (more about the three essential ingredients later). The power of blood pressure generated by our bodies varies  in different people and depends on many factors. These factors are, in turn,  determined by our specific Natural Health Blueprints.

Before we discuss the role of blood pressure in developing natural immune systems needed by our bodies to fight diseases, let me briefly outline what we currently know about the COVID-19 disease.

What We Know About novo corona virus or COVID-19

Corona virus is, also known as COVID-19, is a newly discovered strain of virus. Although this virus is new, there are certain features of this virus that we already know.

What we know for certain about COVID-19 is that;

  • It is a new (hence novo) type of virus that has not been identified before.
  • It originated from the Wuhan province of China.
  • It causes severe respiratory diseases.
  • It is highly infectious and is easily transmitted from person to person.
  • Mild symptoms are similar to the common cold or flu symptoms and include, aches and pains, dry cough and fever.
  • Sever forms of the disease include, sore throat, cough, sweating, difficulty in breathing and death.
  • The disease is more severe in the elderly and people with pre-existing conditions such as, High blood pressure, Diabetes, Asthma, Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease (COPD), Heart diseases and cancers.
  • The disease has infected millions of people and killed hundreds of thousands around the world.
  • The World Health Organization (WHO) has declared this disease, a global pandemic.
  • Hundreds of thousands of people around the world with mild forms of the disease have cured themselves of the disease through their own bodies’ natural immune systems.
  • Hundreds of thousands more people around the world have the COVID-19 virus in their bodies, but do not show any symptoms of the disease. These people are said to be asymptomatic.

While there are a few vaccines currently being used to “potentially reduce the severity” of the disease, there are currently no known medications used to treat or cure the COVID-19 disease.

The Global Community Shields, Protects and “Hides” from the COVID-19 Disease

In the meantime, however, there are a number of things that the global community can do to shield and protect themselves from the disease.

Some of these things include;

  • Washing hands regularly with soap and water for at least 20 seconds.
  • Using alcohol-based hand sanitizers whenever possible.
  • Wiping solid surface tops with antiseptic cleansers and wipes regularly.
  • Coughing and/or sneezing into the elbow, a piece of cloth or paper tissue that must be immediately and safely discarded.
  • Avoid touching the face, nose and mouth after coughing or sneezing.
  • Avoid greetings that involve shaking hands or hugging.
  • Self – isolation if experiencing symptoms of the disease.
  • Wearing appropriate face masks when amongst crowds.
  • Avoid going out as much as possible; going out only if it is absolutely necessary to do so.
  • Maintaining social distance of about 2 meters or six feet.
  • Staying home and work from home whenever possible.

Shield, Protect and Hide

The list of behaviors outlined above are some of the measures that the global community is taking in order to shield, protect and hide from the corona virus responsible for the COVID-19 disease.

The major challenge in applying these measures is that there is a lot of corona virus in the world. Further, this global corona virus is everywhere and all around us, including;

  • In the air
  • On all surfaces
  • On our foods
  • On our bodies
  • Within our bodies

Clearly, trying to shield, protect and hide from a virus that is globally widespread is going to be a challenge in avoiding the COVID-19 disease.

We also know that, currently, there are no known medications available to treat or cure the COVID-19 disease. In the meantime, people all around the world must find other means of avoiding the COVID-19 disease that involve fighting and preventing the COVID-19 disease.

Fight and Prevent

In order to avoid the COVID – 19 disease, individual people all around the world must find specific lifestyle behaviors that equip and prepare their bodies to fight and prevent the COVID-19 disease by using the body’s natural immune system.

Your Body’s Natural Immune System

The clues in the role of your body’s natural immune system in fighting and preventing the COVID-19 disease lie in some of the things we know about this disease include the following;

  • Some people that have the virus in their bodies and testing positive for the virus, show no symptoms of the disease. These people are said to be asymptomatic.
  • Other people that have the mild and severe forms of the disease are cured and recover from the disease by using their own bodies’ immune systems to fight the disease.
  • Yet many other people affected by the disease die from the disease.
  • There are currently no known medications used to treat or cure the COVID-19 disease.

Clearly, the scientific and technical efforts to come up with either a vaccine or a treatment for COVID-19 disease will take some time.

So, in the meantime, what specific measures should individuals be taking to fight and prevent the COVID-19 disease?

Individual people all around the world need to focus their attention on building their bodies’ natural immune systems to fight and prevent the COVID – 19 disease. For more on the natural immune system, please review my next blog titled, “Natural Immunity versus Vaccines,”